Dairy Events Calendar

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Dairy Training Limited - Contract Milking

In partnership with Federated Farmers of New Zealand and DairyNZ, this Contract Milking course will cover:

  • Building an understanding of how a contract works, including obligations and responsibilities for both parties
  • Assessing the financial viability of a contract milking or variable order sharemilker position
  • Knowing the top things that trip up contract milkers
  • How to assess different contract milking opportunities and make good decisions
  • Understanding the value of independent advice when negotiating a contract and being self-employed
  • Building awareness of issues and risks and how to manage and mitigate them

This free course is suitable for contract milkers or variable order sharemilkers, or dairy farmers intending to go contract milking within the next 18 months. The course includes 4 in-person workshops which will take place in Stratford on 19 Feb, 5 March, 19 March and 2 April.

Find out more and enrol.

region Taranaki
time 10:00AM - 03:00PM
location Stratford
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Laura Littlejohn
phone 0800 467 768

Dairy Training Limited - Emerging Leadership

This course will cover:

  • Building knowledge and skills in self-management to strengthen personal wellbeing and resilience
  • Growing self-awareness and emotional intelligence through understanding personalities, cultural competence and unconscious bias
  • Developing and applying skills in communicating with others.
  • Using whanaungatanga (relationship building) and te āo Māori principles to build a positive and respectful team culture.

This free course is suitable for emerging leaders including 2IC, herd managers, and new managers. Participants will require support and guidance from on-farm seniors. The course includes a two-hour introduction online session on 19 Feb, and 4 in-person workshops held in between milkings on 26 Feb, 12 March, 26 March and 9 April.

Find out more and enrol.

region Waikato
time 10:00AM - 03:00PM
location Morrinsville
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Laura Littlejohn
phone 0800 467 768

Key strategies and tools for greater genetic gain - Manawatu

Understanding how breeding decisions have a direct impact on productivity gains made on your farm through genetics is an important part of setting your farm up for success.

Hear from host farmer Montie Hare on strategies and practices that have worked well on his farm to improve genetic gain and  the opportunities looking forward. DairyNZ Chief Science Advisor Bruce Thorrold will share insights and technical expertise from his extensive genetic gain research and work, followed by an opportunity for Q&A together with our farmer panel comprising Bruce Jensen, and Jarrod and Nikki Greenwood joining us from Whanganui.

Find out more about: 

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system 
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program 
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers 
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including Bull Search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and Animal and Herd Averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.  Registration is required and lunch will be provided - kindly sponsored by Fonterra.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed

region Lower North Island
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Montie Hare, 2826 Cheltenham Hunterville Road, Cheltenham, Feilding SN 44555
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Tegan Pope
phone 027 808 3411

Farming And Compliance Confidence Taranaki (FACCT) Session - Soil - Patea

Get the FACCTS: 
Understanding your farm science to improve confidence and protect production and profitability.
As part of our Good Farm project, we’re excited to extend a popular series of workshops to help you better understand your land, protect production and profitability through farm science, and stay ahead of regulation. 
Session FIVE:
  • The relevance of soil knowledge to freshwater management.
  • Soil formation.
  • How studying your farm’s landforms can help you identify soil patterns across your paddocks.
  • Soil parent material transport.
  • Different common soil types and their characteristics.
  • Where to find soil information


Wednesday, 19th February at 11am – 1pm – Lunch Provided
region Taranaki
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Alton Coronation Hall - 355 Ball Road, Alton
organisation Taranaki Catchment Communities
contact-email Tessa Tate
phone 0210637327

Afimilk On-farm Open Day - Matamata

We would like to invite you to our on-farm Open Day on Thursday 20 February 2025 at Glenrowan Farm in Matamata.

Hosted by the Afimilk team, this event is an opportunity for you to see AfiCollar cow monitoring technology firsthand and hear from local farmers Brad and Lucy Gore about how the collars are helping them in their daily dairying operations.

Event Details:

  • Date: Thursday 20 February 
  • Time: 10:30am -1:30pm
  • Location: Glenrowan Farm, 12 Glenrowan Rd, Matamata 

Register using the link below 



region Waikato
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location 12 Glenrowan Rd, Matamata
organisation Afimilk
contact-email David Jones
phone 021839435

Owl Farm February Focus Day

Thursday 20 February 2025
Review the season to date
Repro performance - what went well and what didn't
Staph hunt and managing udder infections
Dealing with the dry
Everyone is welcome – lunch is provided
Venue – Owl Farm
St Peter’s School Cambridge, Off Hanlin Road
For further information: e enquiries@owlfarm.nz p. 021 712 680
region Waikato
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location Owl Farm 1716 Cambridge Road (follow Hanlin Road)
organisation Owl Farm
contact-email Jo Sheridan
phone 021712680

Key strategies and tools for greater genetic gain - South Tararua/Wairarapa

Understanding how breeding decisions have a direct impact on productivity gains made on your farm through genetics is an important part of setting your farm up for success.

Hear from sharemilkers Ximena Puig and Alvaro Luzardo on strategies and practices that have worked well on this farm to improve genetic gain and the opportunities looking forward. DairyNZ Chief Science Advisor Bruce Thorrold will share insights and technical expertise from his extensive genetic gain research and work, followed by an opportunity for Q&A. 

Find out more about: 

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system 
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program 
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers 
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including Bull Search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and Animal and Herd Averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.  Registration is required and lunch will be provided - kindly sponsored by Ecolab.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed

region Lower North Island
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Ximena Puig and Alvaro Luzardo (SM), 927 Kakariki Road, Eketahuna SN 46788
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Shayla McGrory
phone 022 853 6806

Future proofing your farm with pasture and crop harvested - Whataroa

Grow your knowledge and management of pasture, crops, and supplements for a sustainable future farm system on the Coast.

DairyNZ farm systems specialist Mark Speight and Top of the South Island Area Manager Dayne Paton will discuss how to best use home grown pasture and crop for profitability and future proofing your farm system.

Find out more about:

  • How DairyNZ’s Pasture Potential Tool can help you better understand the relationship between pasture harvested and profit and identify gaps for improvement through the results shown.
  • The use of supplements and the role they play in pasture-based systems

Lunch is kindly provided by RST.

region West Coast
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Whataroa Community Hall, 57 Main Road, Whataroa
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Dan O'Keefe
phone 027 808 0133

Farming And Compliance Confidence Taranaki (FACCT) Session - Soil - Mimi

Get the FACCTS: 
Understanding your farm science to improve confidence and protect production and profitability.
As part of our Good Farm project, we’re excited to extend a popular series of workshops to help you better understand your land, protect production and profitability through farm science, and stay ahead of regulation. 
Session FIVE:
  • The relevance of soil knowledge to freshwater management.
  • Soil formation.
  • How studying your farm’s landforms can help you identify soil patterns across your paddocks.
  • Soil parent material transport.
  • Different common soil types and their characteristics.
  • Where to find soil information


Thursday, 20th February at 11am – 1pm – Lunch Provided
region Taranaki
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Waitoetoe Hall - 19 Pukearuhe Road, Taranaki
organisation Taranaki Catchment Communities
contact-email Maria Lempriere
phone 0272325554

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation in-person event - Winton

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Find out more about the milksolids levy rate review.

Register for the meeting

region Southland & Otago
time 11:00AM - 12:30PM
location Salvation Army Hall, 7 Dejoux Road, Winton
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Guy Michaels
phone 021 302 034

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation online event - session 1

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Register for the webinar

DairyNZ Webinars are for farmers, farm advisors and researchers only. Media are asked to contact media@dairynz.co.nz for information on this topic.

region National Events
time 07:00PM - 08:00PM
location Online
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Maria Fletcher

Dung Beetle Field Morning - Urenui , Mimi and Uruti Catchment

Join us for an informative field morning on Ivan Howe's farm in North Taranaki.
Ivan has farmed on his property spanning 35 years and he strives to be the best in terms of economic sustainability and environment. He talks about always looking for ways to improve productivity and to move away from the high costs of spending 20% of gross income on fertiliser, 4% gross income on anthelmintics, and thousands of dollars spent on subsoiling and lime applications.
Speaking from experience and observing results they are getting in Australia he feels that high-cost inputs could be dramatically reduced and that the introduction of dung beetles to pastoral farming in NZ is the more sustainable low-cost option to what we as farmers have been using in the past to maintain productivity.
He believes that a future with dung beetles means cleaner pastures, less fertiliser inputs, less runoff and less soil compaction.
Also presenting is Dr Shaun Fogie, an internationally recognized entomologist, with PhD and MSc (Hons) degrees specialising in dung beetle reproduction, ecology and evolution. Combined with his extensive rearing experience and fieldwork, he brings to the field morning a wealth of expertise in the world of dung beetles and their benefits for farmers and landholders.
Registrations are required for this free event sponsored by Taranaki Catchment Communities.
RSVP to Maria@taranakicc.nz or 027 232 5554.
A light lunch and refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the field morning
region Taranaki
time 10:00AM - 12:00PM
location 84 Wharekauri Rd, Mimi, Urenui 4377, New Zealand
organisation Taranaki Catchment Communities
contact-email Maria Lempriere
phone 0272325554

Powering up Dairy - Waitara

DairyNZ and Fonterra are partnering together to deliver a series of community toolbox events to help ensure your farm stays future-fit, with a chance to share with other farmers.
These events are tailored to your local area and provide practical tips and advice on the current challenges farmers face, which can be easily applied to enhance your farm's profitability and sustainability.

Hear from:

  • Kirsty Sharp - DairyNZ North Taranaki Area Manager
  • Fonterra
  • Bruce Paterson - Barenbrug

We'll discuss:

  • Drying off
  • Managing Summer dry
  • Protecting our pastures

Lunch kindly provided by Fonterra.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.


region National Events
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Wayne & Leanne Taylor, 182 Inland North Road, Waitara, SN 43417
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Kirsty Sharp
phone 0272540780

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation in-person event - Ashburton

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Find out more about the milksolids levy rate review.

Register for the meeting

region Canterbury
time 11:00AM - 12:30PM
location Hotel Ashburton, 11/35 Racecourse Road, Ashburton
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Anna Hall
phone 0274 115 663

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation in-person event - Greymouth

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Find out more about the milksolids levy rate review.

Register for the meeting

region West Coast
time 11:00AM - 12:30PM
location Greymouth Brass Band Hall, 7 Steer Avenue, Blaketown, Greymouth
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Anna Hall
phone 0274 115 663

Paint and Sip - Taranaki

Whether you fancy yourself as the next Picasso or prefer drawing in stickmen, grab your friends and join us for an evening of creativity whilst sipping on a tipple!
Canvas, materials and snacks are all included in the price of your ticket. BYO drinks.
Registration is essential and payment will be taken when signing up. Tickets are $25 per person.
No painting skills necessary, just have fun!

Event timing: Doors open: 6.30pm | Start: 7.00pm | Finish: 9.30pm

RSVP by: 20th February 2025

region Taranaki
time 06:30PM - 09:30PM
location Te Kiri Hall 2716, Eltham Road Te Kiri Opunake
organisation Dairy Women's Network
contact-email Dairy Women's Network
phone 0800 396 748

Managing risk in Share Farming - Dargaville

Federated Farmers invites new and existing contract milkers, share milkers and farm owners to events around the country this February.

Learn how to navigate business and individual risks for both share farmers and farm owners.
Our industry experts will guide you through contractual changes, farm assessments, and how to
build and maintain strong, enduring working relationships.

Presentations from:
• Federated Farmers – how to make calculated decisions about contracts
• DairyNZ – Dairybase & business planning calculators
• FMG – life, health & contractual insurances

Don’t miss this chance to grow your knowledge and connect with professionals in the field!

RSVP to industrysupport@fedfarm.org.nz or 0800 327 646, but we also welcome drop-ins on the day.

region Northland
time 09:30AM - 11:30AM
location Kaipara Vintage Machinery Club, Harding Park, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Rd, DARGAVILLE 0310
organisation Federated Farmers of New Zealand
contact-email Industry Support
phone 0800 327 646

ETS and GHG Insights Day - Whakatāne

A Field Day in collaboration with Te Uru Rākau at the Barr’s family Farm. This is your chance to get answers to all your questions about the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and dive into sector-specific discussions on greenhouse gas (GHG) management plans. 

Whether you’re looking to better understand compliance, improve environmental outcomes, or connect with industry experts, this event is for you.

Lunch will be provided. 

region Bay of Plenty
time 10:00AM - 01:00PM
location Barr Family Farm
organisation Allegrow
contact-email Mel Brown
phone 021659924

Afimilk On-farm Open Day - Canterbury

We would like to invite you to our on-farm Open Day on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at the Netherland Holdings farm, Rangiora Canterbury. 

Hosted by the Afimilk team, this event is an opportunity for you to see AfiCollar cow monitoring technology firsthand and hear from the Wobben's about how the collars are helping them in their daily dairying operations.

Event Details:

  • Date: Tuesday 25 February 
  • Time: 10:30am -1:30pm
  • Location: Netherland Holdings farm, 318 Pesters Road, Rangiora Canterbury 

Register to attend using the link below 


region Canterbury
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location 318 Pesters Road, Rangiora Canterbury
organisation Afimilk
contact-email David Jones
phone 021 839 435

Key strategies and tools for greater genetic gain - Rangiora

High BW sires drive 90% of genetic gain. By improving reproductive performance of the herd, you can increase the rate of genetic gain by improving selection pressure on replacements and cull cows.

Hear from farm owners Marty and Jo Ashby and sharemilker Ollie Ashby who will discuss their farm system and practises that have allowed them to almost double their rate of genetic gain in the last 5 years.

DairyNZ scientist Rhiannon Handcock will provide independent technical expertise on breeding and genetics and provide an insight to the work of NZAEL in progressing genetic gain.

Find out more about:

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including bull search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and animal and herd averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch kindly provided by Farm Source. Registrations are essential.

region Canterbury
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Marty and Jo Ashby (FO) & Ollie Ashby (SM), 260 Mairaki Road, Fernside. SN 38708
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Mattes Groenendijk
phone 027 257 9605

Key strategies and tools for greater genetic gain - Hawkes Bay

Understanding how breeding decisions have a direct impact on productivity gains made on your farm through genetics is an important part of setting your farm up for success.

Hear from BEL Group's Farm Manager Cyril Bowman on what has worked well on this farm in terms of genetic gain and what the opportunities are looking forward. DairyNZ Senior Scientist Chris Burke will share insights and technical expertise from his extensive genetic gain research and work, followed by an opportunity for Q&A

Find out more about: 

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system 
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program 
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers 
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including Bull Search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and Animal and Herd Averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.  Registration is required and lunch will be provided - kindly sponsored by Fonterra.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Lower North Island
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location BEL Group Ellingham, 462 Mill Road, Ashley Clinton SN 47641
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Janine Swansson
phone 027 381 2025

Building a productive workplace for increased on farm efficiency - Lumsden

Build your understanding of how different on farm practices support increased productivity and efficiency on farm, for an engaged farm team and a workplace that’s more attractive for staff.

Training new staff takes time and money, which can place a significant impact on workplace productivity

Learn and share from other farmers attending and gain tips and strategies for retaining and motivating your farm team

  • Host farmers Wilco and Noortje Hamers will talk through their experience building a productive farm team, with an opportunity for farmers to share their own experience and ask questions.
  • Expert insights from Amy Heenan at Chile Force outlining differences in the immigration space with an increase in uptake of immigrant staff.
  • Hear about other DairyNZ tools to help boost on farm productivity such as, people productivity calculator and workplace 360.

Bring your farm team along for an interactive session and enjoy a BBQ lunch kindly sponsored by FarmSource Gore.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed

region Southland & Otago
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Wilco and Noortje Hamers. 1179 Old Balfour Road. SN33014.
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Veronica Oostveen
phone 0228541452

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation online event - session 2

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Register for the webinar

DairyNZ Webinars are for farmers, farm advisors and researchers only. Media are asked to contact media@dairynz.co.nz for information on this topic.

region National Events
time 12:00PM - 01:00PM
location Online
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Maria Fletcher

ETS and GHG Insights Day - Ōpōtiki

A Field Day in collaboration with Te Uru Rākau at Osbourne’s Farm. This is your chance to get answers to all your questions about the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and dive into sector-specific discussions on greenhouse gas (GHG) management plans. 

Whether you’re looking to better understand compliance, improve environmental outcomes, or connect with industry experts, this event is for you.

Lunch will be provided. 

region Bay of Plenty
time 10:00AM - 01:00PM
location Osbourne Farm - Waiotahe
organisation Allegrow
contact-email Mel Brown
phone 021659924

Dairy Training Limited - Business by the Numbers

This course will cover:

  • Building a positive, profitable financial plan.
  • Exploring pathways for business growth or self-employment.
  • Improving budgeting, tracking expenses, and financial decision-making.
  • How to communicate effectively with your bank and accountant.
  • Developing annual budgets.
  • An introduction to calculating milk income.
  • Predicting and managing working capital requirements.
  • Gaining practical skills in a supportive, farmer-focused environment.

This free course is suitable for managers, self-employed or those considering self-employment. The course includes three in-person classes on 26 Feb, 11 March and 25 March. 

Find out more and enrol.

region Lower North Island
time 10:00AM - 10:00AM
location Fielding
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Laura Littlejohn
phone 0800 467 768

Afimilk On-farm Open Day - Northland

We would like to invite you to our on-farm Open Day on Wednesday 26 February 2025 at the Drought Farm, Hūkerenui Northland.

Hosted by the Afimilk team, this event is an opportunity for you to see AfiCollar cow monitoring technology firsthand and hear from Hannah and Jaiden about how the collars are helping them in their daily dairying operations.

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday 26 February 
  • Time: 10:30am -1:30pm
  • Location: Drought Farm, 2321 State Highway 1, Hūkerenui Northland 

To register use the link below. 



region Northland
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location 2321 State Highway 1 Hūkerenui, Northland
organisation Afimilk
contact-email David Jones
phone 021 839 435

Find the solution to your effluent puzzle - HADES catchment

Join the HADES catchment for an event at Riverside Farms, looking at their system that is designed specifically for their high rainfall area.
Discover an innovative solution to your effluent management puzzle with locally designed system, including:
A weeping wall built on-site
A state-of-the-art 1 million litre bladder
A brand-new modern cowshed
The Warren Family invites you to explore how these smart, sustainable solutions are changing the game for effluent on their farm over the past 3 seasons.
Come along for the tour and enjoy lunch provided.
We look forward to seeing you there
region Taranaki
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location Riverside Farms, 259 Saunders Road, Okato SN 42654
organisation Taranaki Catchment Communities
contact-email Diane Baldie
phone 0275057394

Powering up Dairy - Toko

DairyNZ and Fonterra are partnering together to deliver a series of community toolbox events to help ensure your farm stays future-fit, with a chance to share with other farmers.

These events are tailored to your local area and provide practical tips and advice on the current challenges farmers face, which can be easily applied to enhance your farm's profitability and sustainability.

Hear from DairyNZ Senior Area Manager Leah Prankerd and Fonterra who will discuss drying off, culling and body condition scoring.

Lunch kindly provided by Fonterra.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Taranaki
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Nathan Weir, 818 East Road, Toko, Stratford, SN 40748
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Leah Prankerd
phone 0273287019

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation in-person event - Te Puke

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Find out more about the milksolids levy rate review.

Register for the meeting

region Bay of Plenty
time 11:00AM - 12:30PM
location Pongakawa Hall, 952 Old Coach Road, Pongakawa
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Brigitte Meier
phone 027 448 3050

Bridging the Staffing Gap - LIVE WEBINAR

Unlock the potential of international talent from the UK & Ireland

Join Abi Swaffield, Paula Syben and Andre Syben from AG Work as they help inform and educate you on the benefits, process and costs of employing dairy staff from the UK and Ireland.

AG Work NZ offers a matchmaking service to source suitable overseas staff bespoke to each employer. They have valued links between the main Agricultural Universities and Colleges, and a large network of social media and young farmers connections to fulfil roles.

This webinar will cover:

  • Knowledge on Agwork's process of recruitment and sourcing candidates.  
  • Understanding who AG Work NZ is and their brand values of being passionate about getting young people into an agricultural career.
  • An understanding of visas work and employer commitments
  • The responsibilities of AG Work NZ
  • The benefits of employing from the UK and Ireland   

This webinar is brought to you by Dairy Women's Network and Ag Work

region Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Lower North Island, Top of South Island, West Coast, Canterbury, Southland & Otago
time 12:30PM - 01:30PM
location Online
organisation Dairy Women's Network
contact-email Dairy Women's Network
phone 0800 396 748

End of Summer Walk & Talk - Mid-South Canterbury

Join together with Dairy Women's Network Mid-South Canterbury for a social walk and talk.

Meet at The Lake House restaurant car park at Lake Hood. Anyone who wants to can grab a coffee from the restaurant and we'll aim to start walking the Lake Hood loop at 10:30am.

This is your chance to catch up after the silly season and look ahead to the new year, while enjoying the last of whatever the Summer weather decides to offer us that day! (We will go ahead regardless of weather)

There is no cost to attend this event. Food and beverages are available at The Lake House at your own expense.

Timing: Starts 10.30am | Finishes around 12pm

region Canterbury
time 10:30AM - 12:00PM
location The Lake House at Lake Hood Lake Hood Drive Ashburton 7774
organisation Dairy Women's Network
contact-email Dairy Women's Network
phone 0800 396 748

How high BW drives high profits and efficiency - Hinds

Understand how reproductive performance improvements drive faster rates of genetic gain and can improve profitability and efficiency of farm systems. Learn how this is important to support your farm business success.

See how Craig and Hannah Fulton operate their farm system to consistently sit among the top farms for profitability in Canterbury. Hear how genetic gain on their farm fits into their system, and what they are doing to maintain efficiency in their operation.

DairyNZ scientist Rhiannon Handcock will provide independent technical expertise on breeding and genetics and provide an insight to the work of NZAEL in progressing genetic gain.

Find out more about:

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including bull searchInCalf reproduction gap calculator and animal and herd averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch kindly provided by Fonterra. Registrations are essential.

region Canterbury
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Craig and Hannah Fulton FO), 887 Ealing Road, Coldstream. SN 37173
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Heather Donaldson
phone 027 593 4124

Powering up Dairy - Midhirst

DairyNZ and Fonterra are partnering together to deliver a series of community toolbox events to help ensure your farm stays future-fit, with a chance to share with other farmers.

These events are tailored to your local area and provide practical tips and advice on the current challenges farmers face, which can be easily applied to enhance your farm's profitability and sustainability.

Hear from DairyNZ Senior Area Manager, Leah Prankerd and Fonterra who will discuss drying off options including culling and body condition scoring.

Lunch kindly provided by Fonterra.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Taranaki
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Richard Uhlenberg, 102 York Road, Midhirst, SN 40992
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Leah prankerd
phone 0273287019

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation online event - session 3

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Register for the webinar

DairyNZ Webinars are for farmers, farm advisors and researchers only. Media are asked to contact media@dairynz.co.nz for information on this topic.

region National Events
time 07:00PM - 08:00PM
location Online
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Maria Fletcher

Achieving good reproductive performance for breeding success - Selwyn

Understanding how reproductive performance improvements drives faster rates of genetic gain can improve profitability and efficiency of farm systems is important to support your farm business success.

Hear from sharemilkers Kerry and Aimee Burt on how reproductive performance is a key part of driving a successful business across two farms. Now in their fifth season sharemilking, we will hear their insights into how they have improved their genetic gain and on farm efficiencies.

DairyNZ scientist Rhiannon Handcock will provide independent technical expertise on breeding and genetics and provide an insight to the work of NZAEL in progressing genetic gain.

Find out more about:

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch kindly provided by Farm Source. Registrations are essential.

region Canterbury
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Kerry and Aimee Burt (SM), Domain Road (near the corner of Pooles Road), Leeston. SN 37488
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Alex Perrott
phone 027 379 8069

DairyNZ milksolids levy rate consultation in-person event - Whangarei

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

Consultation is now open, and we are seeking feedback on the preferred rate to enable the DairyNZ Board to make a decision.

Your feedback matters. To help you provide feedback about which rate you support, this is your opportunity to talk to the DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

Find out more about the milksolids levy rate review.

Register for the meeting

region Northland
time 11:00AM - 12:30PM
location Barge Park, 474 Maunu Road, Whangarei
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Brigitte Meier
phone 027 448 3050

An Inspiring Evening with Tawera Nikau

Tawera Nikau NZOM is a true legend of NZ sport. One of our finest ever Rugby League Internationals who has faced phenomenal life challenges. His story is one of empowerment, mental strength, leadership and true human spirit in the face of adversity. 

region Bay of Plenty
time 07:00PM - 09:00PM
location Awakeri Event Centre
organisation Rural Support Trust Bay of Plenty
contact-email Jodie
phone 021948119

Milk the Benefits: Mastering Contract Milking Part 1 - LIVE Webinar

Are you considering a Contract Milking opportunity, or are already a Contract Milker? 

This two-part webinar series is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how Contract Milking can work for your farming business and help you progress in the dairy industry. Whether you're exploring new opportunities or looking to improve your current position, this session will equip you with the ins and outs of being a Contract Milker and what you need to consider. 

Join the team at CMK as they cover part 1 key topics, including: 

- What is Contract Milking? An overview of the model and how it works 
- Benefits of Contract Milking: Why this approach might be right for your business 
- Key Considerations: What to think about before taking on a new position  
- Contract Milking Agreements: The importance of these and what to consider 

This two-part webinar series is an opportunity to learn about the essentials of Contract Milking, and help set your farming business up for long-term success in the industry. 

This webinar is brought to you by Dairy Women's Network and CMK Chartered Accountants

region Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Lower North Island, Top of South Island, West Coast, Canterbury, Southland & Otago
time 12:30PM - 01:30PM
location Online
organisation Dairy Women's Network
contact-email Dairy Women's Network
phone 0800 396 748

SMASH Seminar - Pathways to Farm Ownership - Greymouth

Join us to hear from people who have successfully made their farm ownership dream a reality and learn practical strategies to help you follow in their footsteps. This day is also for people at the other end of their career who want to investigate effective strategies for exiting their farm business and learn how they can support the next generation of farm owners.

Dairy farming overview and running the numbers

Discover how changes in the industry have influenced farm career opportunities from Fergal O’Gara, Ashton Wheelers. Plus the critical financial measures you should focus on and what they indicate, how people build equity, and the different methods farmers use to purchase or sell farms.

What’s it worth? Valuing a farm

We will look into how you value a farm’s worth with Anna Hart, Property Brokers. We will also look into the pitfalls to avoid and the farming opportunities New Zealand’s different regions offer.

SMASH Pathways to Farm Ownership study

SMASH has been talking to farmers and rural professionals nationwide to learn more about how people are successfully progressing into farm ownership, tackling challenges, and the types of arrangements farmers use to buy or sell farms. We will share the results.

Farmer panel. Putting it into action

We are going to hear from farmers who are well on their way to buying a farm, have recently purchased one, or have come up with an innovative way of exiting farm ownership. They will share how they achieved their goal, the steps they took, how they built up their equity, or how they developed their exit strategy.

Free event, all welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided.

region West Coast
time 10:00AM - 01:00PM
location Greymouth
organisation SMASH
contact-email TBC
phone TBC

Afimilk On-farm Open Day - Murray Creek

We would like to invite you to our on-farm Open Day on Tuesday 4  March 2025 at Murray Creek in Southland 

Hosted by the Afimilk team, this event is an opportunity for you to see AfiCollar cow monitoring technology firsthand and hear from farmers Jason and Sandy Herrick about how the collars are helping them in their daily dairying operations.

Event Details:

  • Date: Tuesday 4 March
  • Time: 10:30am -1:30pm
  • Location: Murray Creek, 109 Edmonds Road, Mossburn Southland 
region Southland & Otago
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location 09 Edmonds Road, Mossburn Southland
organisation Afimilk
contact-email David Jones
phone 021839435

Why improving reproductive performance drives genetic gain - Hurunui

Understanding how reproductive performance improvements drives faster rates of genetic gain can improve profitability and efficiency of farm systems is important to support your farm business success.

From building his first herd from over a dozen different herds, Stuart now has a herd with a breeding worth in the top 12% in NZ and his herd has lifted 37 BW and 44 PW in the last five years. His reproduction management programme focuses on simple and repeatable systems that generate good results and that have halved his herd wastage in the past three years.

Hear from Rachel Bloxham, Herd Improvement Technical Manager at LIC. She leads a team ensuring the results of LIC's genomic evaluation system is accessible for farmers and provides insights to promote genetic gain on-farm.

Find out more about:

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including bull search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and animal and herd averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.
Lunch kindly provided by Farm Source. Registrations are essentials.


region Canterbury
time 10:45AM - 01:00PM
location Stuart Neill (FO), 78 Cemetery Road, Culverden. SN 37820
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Ross Bishop
phone 027 563 1785

Achieving good reproductive performance for breeding success – East Chatton

Understanding how reproductive performance improvements drives faster rates of genetic gain, can improve profitability and efficiency of farm systems and is important to support your farm business success.

Come along to hear from farm owners Andrew and Catherine McGregor on how they have changed their breeding policy to include higher levels of sexed semen and introducing more beef into the system.

Find out more about:

  • Identify opportunities to lift your 6 week in calf rate and lower your empty rate on your farm
  • How to assess your herd reproductive performance and the financial impact of making improvements
  • Hear how Andrew and Catherine are achieving high conception rates using sexed semen and how this has enabled them to breed more beef calves and have less bobby calves

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Southland & Otago
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Andrew and Catherine McGregor, 1845 Old Coach Road. SN160
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Keely Buckingham
phone 0275245890

SIDDC Autumn Focus Day at LUDF

Placeholder - event details to come.

region Canterbury
time 10:15AM - 01:00PM
location SN 37581, Lincoln University Dairy Farm, Shands Road, Lincoln
organisation South Island Dairying Demonstration Centre - LUDF
contact-email Antoinette Archer
phone 0272724069

Save Energy On-Farm Workshop

Powering Change:

Celebrating Taranaki’s Rural Energy Successes Join us on Wednesday 5 March to help celebrate our local successes in energy saving and hear from industry experts, explore practical energy solutions, and discuss the future of rural energy in Taranaki.

Save Energy On-Farm Workshop

Complimentary lunch

What to expect :
  • Practical tools to cut energy costs on your farm
  • Success stories from local farmers and rural professionals
  • Insights from Mike Casey, EECA, Powerco, and more
For more info and to secure your spot, register on link.
region Taranaki
time 10:30AM - 02:00PM
location Stratford War Memorial Hall, 61 – 63 Miranda Street, Stratford 4332
organisation Taranaki Catchment Communities
contact-email Paul Turner
phone 0277466372

CRV Better Herd Event - breeding better cows faster - Martinborough

Learn tips and tricks from local farmers so you can build a better herd. This is an opportunity to see different herd solutions in action, regional trends, and options for the future. Meanwhile, get a head start on next year by planning how you can boost your herd’s fertility.

  • Hear from a local farmer about their herd improvement journey.
  • Get simple, actionable advice from industry experts.
  • See how genetics and tools can boost your farm’s results.
  • Swap ideas with other farmers over lunch.

Register and turn up to an event near you for a CRV prize pack!

Register now to save your spot. Let’s talk better herds

region Lower North Island
time 10:30AM - 12:30PM
location Jade and Richard Osborne Georges Rd Martinborough Supply no: 46200
organisation CRV
contact-email Vanessa Hull-Brewerton
phone 021 924 004

How high BW drives high profits and efficiency

Understanding how breeding decisions have a direct impact on productivity gains made on your farm through genetics is an important part of setting your farm up for success.

Hear from and discuss with farmers Ed and Liz Grayling about how they achieve excellent reproductive results with faster genetic gain. Ed will demonstrate the efficiency of his high BW cows in converting feed into milk and explain his strategies for improving genetic gain in order to increase his profitability.

Join DairyNZ experts Andrew Fear and Fonterra area manager Nick Andree Wiltens to learn about why genetic gain and reproductive performance matters, how to achieve genetic gain, and where genetic gain is going in the future.

Find out more about:
• Actions you can take to enhance your breeding programme
• The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
• How genetic gain impacts reproductive performance and on farm productivity
This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch will be provided.

Registrations essential. Register today.


Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Waikato
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location Ed and Liz Grayling 3248 Ohaupo Road, Ohaupo, SN 73450
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Francesca Bennett
phone 027 702 3760

Key strategies and tools for greater genetic gain - Marlborough

High BW sires drive 90% of genetic gain. By improving reproductive performance of the herd, you can increase the rate of genetic gain by improving selection pressure on replacements and cull cows.

Join us alongside host farmers Tania Riddington and Tim Murdoch to hear about their strategies for herd improvement which has put them in the top 3% for BW and top 1% for PW nationally and is a key driver in their business success.

DairyNZ senior scientist Chris Burke will also share insights and technical expertise from his extensive reproduction research and work, followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

Find out more about:

  • How reproductive performance impacts genetic gain and on farm productivity
  • The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
  • Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
  • An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers
  • DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including bull searchInCalf reproduction gap calculator and animal and herd averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch kindly provided by Farm Source. Registrations are essential.

region Top of South Island
time 11:00AM - 01:00PM
location Tim Murdoch and Tania Riddington (FO), 1458 Queen Charlotte Drive, Linkwater. SN 39042
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Dayne Paton
phone 027 334 6409

SMASH Seminar - Pathways to Farm Ownership - Gore

Join us to hear from people who have successfully made their farm ownership dream a reality and learn practical strategies to help you follow in their footsteps.

This day is also for people at the other end of their career who want to investigate effective strategies for exiting their farm business and learn how they can support the next generation of farm owners.

Dairy farming overview and running the numbers

Discover how changes in the industry have influenced farm career opportunities from Amanda Morris, Hammond Davidson. Plus the critical financial measures you should focus on and what they indicate, how people build equity, and the different methods farmers use to purchase or sell farms.

What’s it worth? Valuing a farm

We will look into how you value a farm’s worth with Robin Greer, PGG Wrightson. We will also look into the pitfalls to avoid and the farming opportunities New Zealand’s different regions offer. 

SMASH Pathways to Farm Ownership study

SMASH has been talking to farmers and rural professionals nationwide to learn more about how people are successfully progressing into farm ownership, tackling challenges, and the types of arrangements farmers use to buy or sell farms. We will share the results.

Farmer panel. Putting it into action

We are going to hear from farmers who are well on their way to buying a farm, have recently purchased one, or have come up with an innovative way of exiting farm ownership. They will share how they achieved their goal, the steps they took, how they built up their equity, or how they developed their exit strategy.

Free event, all welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided.

region Southland & Otago
time 10:00AM - 01:00PM
location Gore
organisation SMASH
contact-email TBC
phone TBC

Dairy Training Limited - Business by the Numbers

This course will cover:

  • Building a positive, profitable financial plan.
  • Exploring pathways for business growth or self-employment.
  • Improving budgeting, tracking expenses, and financial decision-making.
  • How to communicate effectively with your bank and accountant.
  • Developing annual budgets
  • An introduction to calculating milk income.
  • Predicting and managing working capital requirements.
  • Gaining practical skills in a supportive, farmer-focused environment.

This free course is suitable for managers, self-employed or those considering self-employment. The course includes three in-person classes on 6 March, 20 March and 3 April.

Find out more and enrol.

region Taranaki
time 10:00AM - 03:00PM
location Stratford
organisation DairyNZ
contact-email Laura Littlejohn
phone 0800 467 768

CRV Better Herd Event - Lepperton

Learn tips and tricks from local farmers so you can build a better herd. This is an opportunity to see different herd solutions in action, regional trends, and options for the future. Meanwhile, get a head start on next year by planning how you can boost your herd’s fertility.

  • Hear from a local farmer about their herd improvement journey.
  • Get simple, actionable advice from industry experts.
  • See how genetics and tools can boost your farm’s results.
  • Swap ideas with other farmers over lunch.

Register and turn up to an event near you for a CRV prize pack!

Register now to save your spot. Let’s talk better herds

region Taranaki
time 10:30AM - 12:30PM
location ERW Farms 36 Elsham Rd, Lepperton Supply number: 43330
organisation CRV
contact-email Anita Scrivener
phone 021 741 381

Exploring the rate of herd improvement for greater genetic gain

High BW sires drive 90% of genetic gain. By improving reproductive performance of the herd, you can increase the rate of genetic gain by improving selection pressure on replacements and cull cows.

Hear from host farmers Neil, Glenda and Teagan Gray about their interest in data and improving their herd’s efficiency with this information. Discuss how access to good data can be useful to improve productivity through genetics, and the simple steps you can take to make good decisions about reproduction.

Join DairyNZ Senior Scientist Susanne Meier alongside experts from Fonterra and LIC to discuss how to make good decisions about reproduction on farm to drive profit. Learn about the principles and strategies that are useful to improve your herd’s BW through reproductive performance.

Find out more about:
• The future of genetic gain, including updates to the NZ Animal Evaluation system
• Actions you can take to enhance your breeding program
• An opportunity to ask questions of our experts and host farmers
• DairyNZ key tools and resources that can assist on this topic, including bull search, InCalf reproduction gap calculator and animal and herd averages

This is event is brought to you by DairyNZ in partnership with Fonterra.

Lunch will be provided.

Registrations essential. Register today.

Protect our industry - please arrive with clean boots to prevent the spread of disease, pest or weed.

region Waikato
time 10:30AM - 01:00PM
location Neil, Glenda and Teagan Gray 315 Ngataipua Road, Thames, SN 75236
organisation DairyNZ